a:7:{s:9:"ipAddress";N;s:9:"uLocation";s:12:"New York, NY";s:9:"uLgcyName";s:9:"LoLoLusky";s:6:"uEmail";s:0:"";s:5:"uName";s:9:"LoLoLusky";s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:9:"cla1banni";a:8:{s:7:"service";s:1:"1";s:10:"atmosphere";s:1:"2";s:4:"food";s:1:"1";s:9:"db_rvw_id";s:4:"2309";s:6:"rvwTxt";s:573:"The service was horrible, the decor is dated, and the staff is very pretentious. They called twice to remind us to dress nice, and so I expected it to be a very upscale place, but the only thing upscale was the prices- my swordfish and my boyfriend's halibut were both very over-cooked, and it took 10 minutes before our waiter even came to bring us water while we waited on the very hot and stuffy roofdeck. There are much better meals to be had in Newport. Also- two days after we left we discovered that they charged our credit card THREE times. This place is HORRIBLE!!";s:7:"updated";s:10:"1215538105";s:9:"confirmed";s:3:"yes";s:10:"totalScore";d:21;}}