a:8:{s:4:"init";i:1325706062;s:5:"uName";s:6:"Miriam";s:6:"uEmail";s:23:"mmsabbag@wellington.com";s:9:"uLocation";s:14:"Auburndale, MA";s:9:"ipAddress";s:11:"";s:3:"mid";s:9:"6WFZDHF5T";s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:11:"pro796aquid";a:5:{s:6:"rvwTxt";s:1069:"The Cafe was so warm and welcoming, with the smell of fresh baked goods, it was impossible to decide what to order. We ended up ordering the Eggplant Parm pannini and the Chicken Salad sandwich. The eggplant was made from fresh eggplants, not the round coated kind you see elsewhere. The mozzarella and parmesan cheeses added great flavor to the home made sauce! I am thinking about how delicious it was as I write this. I asked about the chicken salad--the flavor was outstanding, and it was made from all natural chicken, roasted, then cut up with fresh celery and Hellman\'s mayonaise. Unbelievable taste sensation. We ordered a latte with a Boston Cream cupcake, and were very impressed with the quallity of the latte--just enough foam, perfectly steamed. The cream inside the cupcake was made from scratch in the kitchen, and it tasted like a heavenly dessert! We plan to stop by there for breakfast one day, as it must be as good as the lunch. Scones are on our list, as are the muffins. Highly recommended. Prices are low for the quality of the food.";s:9:"confirmed";s:2:"no";s:7:"updated";i:1325706062;s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:10:"totalScore";d:33;}}