a:7:{s:9:"ipAddress";N;s:9:"uLocation";s:21:"Newport, Rhode Island";s:9:"uLgcyName";s:5:"wmack";s:6:"uEmail";s:0:"";s:5:"uName";s:5:"wmack";s:10:"reputation";i:4;s:11:"bar151swinb";a:8:{s:7:"service";s:1:"1";s:10:"atmosphere";s:1:"2";s:4:"food";s:1:"1";s:9:"db_rvw_id";s:4:"5032";s:6:"rvwTxt";s:365:"We thought this would be a great place due to its location and outdoor seating, but we were wrong. The food was mostly fried and soggy, not to mention overpriced. We ordered from the raw bar, too. It took over a half hour for 6 oysters. The service was terrible and when we went to the management we got a blank stare. I would not recommend this place. Go to Flo's.";s:7:"updated";s:10:"1238620007";s:9:"confirmed";s:3:"yes";s:10:"totalScore";d:29;}}