a:7:{s:9:"ipAddress";N;s:9:"uLocation";s:10:"Newport RI";s:9:"uLgcyName";s:10:"pizza girl";s:6:"uEmail";s:0:"";s:5:"uName";s:10:"pizza girl";s:10:"reputation";i:4;s:10:"aqu27aquid";a:8:{s:7:"service";s:1:"1";s:10:"atmosphere";s:1:"1";s:4:"food";s:1:"1";s:9:"db_rvw_id";s:4:"5185";s:6:"rvwTxt";s:575:"Yikes! Absolute worst Pizza experience. I've lived on the island 9 years and have tried almost all. I ordered delivery. The Pizza arrived late, lukewarm, greasy and without sides. After a phone call, sides arrived 1/2 hour later, by then Pizza was ice cold. Customer service skills totally non-existant. Their response to the problem was hanging up the telephone. There are many Pizza places in Newport and Middletown & Portsmouth go to ANY of them before ordering from Aquidneck Pizza. If you like Pizza and prefer good customer service, this is not the pizza place for you.";s:7:"updated";s:10:"1239732138";s:9:"confirmed";s:3:"yes";s:10:"totalScore";d:29;}}