a:10:{s:3:"url";s:74:"http://www.newportsrestaurants.com/restaurant/Jamestown-RI/Slice-of-Heaven";s:4:"name";N;s:9:"reviewers";a:1:{i:168160;i:1304022002;}s:11:"starRatings";a:3:{i:168160;i:1304022002;s:9:"NA41R9MA4";i:1305640696;s:9:"Q6CVVS9FW";i:1306441225;}s:7:"ratings";a:4:{s:3:"agg";s:13:" agg val: 4.5";s:4:"food";d:4.5;s:10:"atmosphere";i:5;s:7:"service";d:4.5;}s:6:"voters";a:4:{s:3:"agg";i:8;s:4:"food";i:3;s:10:"atmosphere";i:3;s:7:"service";i:2;}s:10:"starParams";s:22:"4;9;14;half;whole;half";s:8:"rvwrHTML";s:1055:"
Slice of Heaven - reviewed by nadiailyse77 from Sarasota, Florida on .
My mother actually opened and owned the original Slice of Heaven in the mid-1990s,
My mother actually opened and owned the original Slice of Heaven in the mid-1990s, and me and my family used to live in the two top floors. I went back to visit recently and saw that they had renamed the place like the original and transformed it from jsut a bakery and cafe to more of a restaurant… Read more
Rating: 4.5