a:8:{s:4:"init";i:1344262937;s:5:"uName";s:15:"Andrew Santilli";s:6:"uEmail";s:17:"andys@ewaudet.com";s:9:"uLocation";s:11:"Cranston ri";s:9:"ipAddress";s:13:"";s:3:"mid";s:9:"TECYU6131";s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:9:"cla1banni";a:7:{s:3:"phr";s:63:"Cost: overpriced;Menu: wanted more;Families? No;Recommended? No";s:11:"phraseCodes";s:20:" cost menu fmly rcmd";s:10:"totalScore";d:47;s:6:"rvwTxt";s:1069:"We ate at this restaurant on 8/29/12 We had 8:30 reservations When we arrived their were so many people you could not find the place to check in When we did we brought upstairs to the top floor. When we made the reservations we asked dress attire, we were told that you must wear long pants, collar srirt and footware. Well that was not what we found they were wearing jeans, shorts and not at all what we were told. Now the service, our waiter arrived at our table asked if we would like a cocktail, the wine we wanted was by the bottle only, so we opted for a glass of wine for which we were told it\'s whatever . Next question bottled water ot tap decided to go with tap, waiter was not happy with our choice of wine or water[you could see his whole attitude change] We looked at the menu and we could not believe how limited it is.We finally picked out our dinners. The food was cooked very nice but for the price they should have fed you. WE ARE NOT LIKELY TO VISIT THIS PLACE AGAIN. Scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best I would give it a 4. ";s:9:"confirmed";s:2:"no";s:7:"updated";i:1344263718;s:10:"reputation";i:2;}}