a:8:{s:4:"init";i:1342094568;s:5:"uName";s:4:"gail";s:6:"uEmail";s:18:"gab111@verizon.net";s:9:"uLocation";s:11:"plymouth,ma";s:9:"ipAddress";s:13:"";s:3:"mid";s:9:"XY5ZEWPKX";s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:14:"moosayerswharf";a:7:{s:6:"rvwTxt";s:502:"7/12/12 Yesterday 3 couples,inclluding myself, had lunch there on the porch. Lovely view. I ordered the salad with avacardo and eggs. It was sparce and very white looking. The romane lettuce looked like garbage and I couldn\'t see the rest of the\'salad fixings\' because they were under the chopped up bitter lettuce pieces. Very sparce indeed... I found one small slice of avacardo. Didn\'t eat the bitter lettuce and I told our waitress. She ignored me. Don\'t serve Garbage to your customers.";s:9:"confirmed";s:2:"no";s:7:"updated";i:1342094568;s:10:"reputation";i:2;s:10:"totalScore";d:38;s:3:"phr";s:16:"Ingredients: bad";s:11:"phraseCodes";s:5:" ingr";}}